Welcome to 2021 and what is hopefully a kinder year than 2020 was.
They say that hindsight is 20-20. With that in mind, let us not look back over our shoulder at where we have been but rather, look forward to where we are going.
We clearly learned how to live and survive in a pandemic. Just because the year changed from 2020 to 2021 does not mean the pandemic no longer exists. But, more importantly, as we arrive in 2021, we arrive with hope. The hope exists with modern medicine and science. Hope is contained within a vaccine. We are excited to receive the vaccine as a company. We have learned from our past that vaccines worked to wipe out Polio, Measles, Mumps, Chickenpox and Diphtheria. We cannot lose sight of hope.
It is hope that keeps us going each day. It is hope that helps us reach to higher levels in our efforts to succeed and thrive. We must remain optimistic that business will return to normal this year. We are eager to serve you and we can only imagine that you are equally eager to resume your travels. We hope and pray for peace in 2021.
We have missed serving our thousands of clients who have curtailed their travel as a result of COVID-19 fears. Honestly, we can’t blame you for your concern. We have remained committed to ensuring your safety when traveling with us. We are one of the first ground transportation companies in the world who have been certified by SafeCleanRide™, the only CDC approved program for sanitizing vehicles while maintaining the health and safety of our employees. Our sanitation procedures are rigorously followed, and every vehicle is sanitized after every single ride in a cleaning procedure that can take several hours to complete. We would venture to say that our vehicles are cleaner than most planes. This is our investment into your safe travels.
We wish you, your family and business a prosperous 2021. We remain committed to providing you with Satisfaction in Every Turn™.